Climate Quest

Modify Fungy, The Game

By September 11, 2019No Comments
Gaming Together

Modify Fungy, The Game

900 xp in Research, Inquiry, Service, and Presentation

The Fourcast Interns believe in working in the open. And so, we have put all the files for Fungy, the Game on GitHub! This is an open invitation to build out a world, its people, and event its dialogue. Or change the game completely! Would you prefer the Average Guy to say something else? Do you want to flame a character more or less harshly? Should there be a different order of utilizing these characters? Change, modify, and work on a different version of Fungy and send it to us! 



What to submit
  • First and Last Name
  • Team Name (No worries if you don’t have one!)
  •  A Mac and Windows build of your modified Fungi game
  • A link to your Github (optional + 100 xp in Service)